Just en route from the Dog Star Sirius, The Existential Action Team, (E.A.T.), is touching down on their psychedelic journey and landing in Belden Town to share their cosmic knowledge of inter-planetary love and dimension shifting. The team is back this year transforming the river-side of the Sunset Stage into an interactive participatory surrealist village environment.

Symbiosis Festival

Furtherrr/EAT Tea Lounge - Symbiosis Festival

Symbiosis Festival
Live painting collaboration
‘Letter Larvae’
Calligraphy fortune telling with
Friday & Saturday 10:30pm-2am
Existential Action Tea with
Friday & Saturday 10:30pm-2am
Disco weaving collaboration
check out the E.A.T. shop by the faerie ring
The Existential Action Team are:

Damon Soule was spontaneously infused in our solar system via the planet Earth, 1974, and began expanding annually in a location sometimes referred to as the Crescent City. Around the age of four, he began work on his lifelong pursuit concerning the application of homogeneous forms to linear topography. Exposure to such a wide range of serendipity during his formative years provided him with a unique vision: “self determined entropy can produce highly contagious effects,” he recalls. Damon’s visualizations have been exhibited throughout the universe. His work is included in the permanent collections of nearly all of his friends, as well as many private collectors.

I am here I am now, the ideas & objects that I help manifest are offerings. I am learning I am remembering I am breathing. I am easily distracted everything at once is very attractive. My work grounds me reminds me to breath deeply to feel to be here now. I am manifesting a situation where I can play with as many mediums as I feel called to experiment with. Watching the story unfold. I have a strong calling to deepen my connection to my ancestral skills and ways of communing with my environment & the life that surrounds me. I am a creator a hunter & gatherer I hunt & gather knowledge, love & experience, materials & wisdom to sustain to thrive & to inspire.

My works are a direct reflection of countless influences mixed with a perpetual impulse for experimentation and renewal. All of it, a byproduct of urban life in a rapidly-changing world, in which the lines between nature and technology become more blurred each day and the questions of adaptation and survival face the world as never before. With these observations in mind, my intention is to evoke new ways of experiencing the world in and around us, through the constant alteration and reinterpretation of visual language

David Choong Lee combines elements of graffiti, collage, graphic design, portraiture, and classical realism. He was born in Seoul, Korea in 1966 and moved to the US in 1993 to pursue traditional fine art at the Academy of Art. His first major body of work depicted San Francisco's homeless in the Tenderloin, where he resided while attending school.
Lee's portraiture evolved to depict the diversity of San Francisco's population, and many of the city's recognizable characters have shown up in breathtaking pieces on his signature wine and cigar boxes. In recent years, Lee has begun to shift focus from the figure to the abstract and geometric. These two styles come together in impressive assemblages that have shown in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Tucson, Canada, and Korea.

Letter Larvae - Calligraphy Fortune Telling
Interactive "letter larvae" roll the dice and pick from the dictionary to see what wordy wisdom awaits you. The chosen word will be painted with brush calligraphy in ink for the participant to take away.

Juli Elin is a sculptor, fiber artist, mother, and confessional writer from the Florida swamps, now living in Nevada City, California. She plays with the contrasts between the shadow and the comical by deconstructing materials and accumulating the parts into chaotic colorful forms. Her titles come from text messages sent or received while she was making each piece.

Self taught artist, traditional & stop motion animator, live painter, sculptor, and I draw stuff.

Rainbow Serpent

Fibre art detail

Sunset Campout 2015 collaboration

Collaboration - Symbiosis Festival

Letter Larvae - Calligraphy Fortune Telling

"I wish I could transfer you a few ounces of my jiggle."