Have fun and create some magic TOGETHER at PIXIE KIDS TOWN on the TOTEM LAWN along the Feather River.
Gate Open: 10am - 4pm, Friday to Sunday

Friday: 2pm Slip n Slide with Tim
Saturday: 11am Make your own fairy door
2pm Facepainting
Sunday: noon - Kids Yoga
2pm: Big Bubble Time
​other activities include: water play, coloring, bubbles,
puppet theater, games, crafts and more!
here are some suggestions for fun items to pack for your kids adventure in PIXIE KIDS TOWN
swim suit
clearly marked reusable water bottle
costumes (capes and other pieces to wear in HOT weather are great for day)
backpack or bag to keep above items in
shades or a large hat, its SUNNY out there, we will have a shade structure up, but its still really bright for little eyes
water toys (we will have two kiddie pools set up and access to a hose for sprinkler play)